Tuesday 6 May 2014

Another Yewtree Pensioner Cleared of False Rape Accusations

In the UK the past couple of years just about every minor (male) TV celebrity from the 1970s, it seems, has been hounded and witch-hunted with accusations of rape or sexual assault by a police investigation called 'Operation Yewtree', at the behest of anonymous, identity-protected women who waited FORTY YEARS(!) to come forward and point fingers.

And of course, as I predicted, one by one they are all being found innocent. The latest faded pensioner to be falsely accused, arrested and then eventually cleared is comedian Freddie Starr. One look at the poor bastard’s face tells you what a year on bail for a sex crime can do to a human being. What an absolute nightmare.

One day people are going to look back at this Kafkaesque age of free-for-all false rape accusations and consider it one of the worst witchhunts and miscarriages of justice in all human history, and I hope those people responsible for the legislations which led to it are still alive to face punishment for it themselves.

 Freddie Starr, 71, pictured with his lawyer today.Credit: SWNS Group
"Freddie Starr appeared briefly outside his home in Warwickshire alongside his lawyer Dean Dunham, who condemned the investigation and said the entertainer’s health was now a priority.
Mr Dunham said “there was simply never any evidence in this matter that was anywhere near sufficient” to keep his client on bail for so long.
Mr Dunham went on: “At the moment we need to concentrate on getting Freddie back to his health.”The lawyer said there various courses of action open to Starr but now was not the right time to comment on them.
"He’s a man of good character, remains a man of good character, and I would ask the public now to stand by this man," he added."No doubt about it, his innocence has been proven."
Starr said he was “very relieved”, adding: “I’m not feeling well, really.”
Asked if he had a message for his fans, he said: “Thank you.”


  1. I feel happy for Freddie Starr, because he’s now cleared of the false accusation that was charged to him. It’s never easy to be accused of the crime you did not commit. Looking at his picture, everyone can tell the hardship that he have gone through. Forty years is such a long time, but at least justice was served and his innocence was proven.

    Chin Angevine @ Scheiner Law Group, P.C.

  2. It’s great that justice has finally been meted out and the innocent is finally freed. However, what happened to him was really disappointing. One could only imagine the distress, the anguish, and the pain that this false accusation has brought. I could only hope for his recovery from this kind of nightmare and trauma he had gone through.

    Hubert Singleton @ RDF Attorney
